sober festive activities houghton house rehab

Amazing Sober Festive Season Activities

Ideas for sober activities

An issue that many recovering alcoholics have to deal with is the concept of creating new holiday memories minus alcohol. Now, with the world going into holidays” Sober Festive Season Activities are even more challenging. Think about the holiday parties, the office parties, the wines and ciders, the braais and good times – how many of those events don’t involve alcohol?

best way to get sober Rehab in Johannesburg Drug rehabilitation Centre, Addiction treatment Centre, Drug rehab, best rehab centre, Rehab

What is the best way to get sober

Finding the best way to sobriety

I am not going to lie. Getting sober isn’t the easiest thing in the world. I have tried my best way to get sober many times and failed; justifying the next bottle on work, stress, life and sometimes just because I needed a break from the harsh world, or whatever.

Addiction and Mental Health in Johannesburg Gauteng

Addiction and Mental Health in Johannesburg in the times of COVID-19

Addiction and Mental Health in Johannesburg Gauteng

If there was ever a time where the prioritising of Addiction and Mental Health in Johannesburg Gauteng needed to be reinforced, it is now, during the times of COVID-19. For those who understand the interconnectedness between mental health and addiction, this is a reminder; for those who do not know, mental health plays a crucial role in the route an addict can take, both on the road out of addiction and the reason why they are an addict.

Lockdown Levels have relaxed – our safety precautions have not!

Lockdown Levels have relaxed – our safety precautions have not!

Our safety precautions at the top Rehabilitation Centre in Johannesburg Gauteng

As South Africa and the world try to find stability in these challenging times, one thing remains the same: our number one priority is and will always be to protect and care for our clients, staff, families and friends. Houghton House Group of Treatment Centres remains committed to providing the best addiction rehabilitation in Gauteng.
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Alcohol Rehabilitation Clinic in Johannesburg discusses Lifting the alcohol ban wine mom

Wine Mom

Wine Mom – the development of a dangerous trend during the lockdown

You know her, you may be her. Simply put, she is a mother and she drinks wine. That’s really all that it takes to join the ranks of the ‘wine mom” group and yet there is so much more to the seemingly innocent term than just a good time and motherhood.

alcohol abuse spirits addiction at Houghton House Rehab for Drugs and Alcohol

Alcohol abuse and addiction is very real in South Africa

Nobody considers alcohol abuse a problem.

A sense of victory is building up for those who have had to go without a drink for several weeks due to the national lockdown and banning of alcohol sales across the country. But just what does the reopening of bottle stores and the reselling of alcohol mean to those who are addicted to alcohol, especially in the month of June, which ironically enough is Drug Awareness Month?

Continuing Care HELPING-HAND

Now Providing the Latest Model of Continuing Care

Houghton House: Providing a Model of Continued Care.

There’s a myth perpetuated in addiction-treatment circles that only a very small percentage of addicts or alcoholics recover. That is, in the sense that they achieve significant, long-lasting recovery. But this is not true.

Making a Difference

What makes the vital difference in the lives of many patients is the time spent within a care-giving recovery-based system. At Houghton House, for instance, we employ a multidisciplinary, multi-tiered approach of continued care designed to aid patients every step of the way. The benefit? Up to 60% of our admissions go on to live meaningful lives.


I had my best trip during lockdown

This lockdown that we are all in together has been interesting.

It’s the place where I have found the tools I was given in rehabilitation to be just as effective for others “trapped” in lockdown as I was in addiction. Funny that huh? One thing that I am going to say which may come as a surprise from someone who went to rehab for drug addiction is this; I had my best trip during lockdown.

time-to-enter-recovery-is-now clean up houghton house Addiction triggers Top Best Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Johannesburg drugs Alcohol gambling sex

Facing COVID-19 – the time to enter recovery is now!

Lockdown – time to clean up and enter recovery

Enter recovery now Houghton House Rehabilitation Centre is keeping its facilities open during the COVID-19 lockdown. Their facilities remain safe and with professional staff employed the team remains strong for those who they currently treat and for those yet to come.See:>>Confidential Drug Rehab in Johannesburg<<

Houghton House Addiction Rehabilitation open during Coronovirus Lockdown

Authorized and Open During Lockdown in Beautiful South Africa

Our doors remain open and the rehab open during lockdown – your dealer’s does not.

Houghton House is a safe secure environment during the COVID-19 lockdown period for alcoholics, addicts, users and abusers to effectively detox.

This is the official statement from the government as received through the DDG:

“The following services [may be open during this time]…

…Services rendered by mental and relation institutions-thats us rehab open during lockdown!

COVID-19 Top Best Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Johannesburg drugs Alcohol gambling sex

Covid-19 virus and Anxiety Issues

How To Stop The Anxiety Spiralling Out Of Control with the Covid-19 virus. “It’s natural for us to worry about potential dangers to our safety and wellbeing. So if you’re feeling concerned about the Coronavirus, you’re not alone. Yet, for some of us, this concern can quickly grow into anxiety, even panic. Hearing about shortages

myths-of-addiction 12 steps at Top Best Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Johannesburg drugs Alcohol gambling sex

Common misconceptions of addiction.

There are several common misconceptions and misunderstandings by the general public about addiction. Houghton House as a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre with extensive experience in this area would like to highlight some of these misconceptions around addiction in order to help loved ones understand the problems the addict has, how to deal with the issue and what they can do about it.

struggling-with-addiction Houghton House Addiction Rehabilitation

Struggling with addiction? Things you should be saying to your addicted loved one

Do you have a loved one that is struggling with addiction?

It is often very difficult to talk to them about their struggles with addiction. In part because addiction involves a number of defense mechanisms that serve to protect the addict and their addictive behavior. It doesn’t matter if they are addicted to drugs or alcohol, the mechanisms act in the same way.See:>>Dealing with the consequences of addiction.<<

help an addict

Help an addict – by not making these mistakes

We end up inadvertently harming ourselves as we enable our loved ones.

You’re probably reading this because you want to help an addict close to you. And the closer they are, a parent, a child, a partner, or a good friend, the harder it is to do. The biggest problem is: we make certain mistakes that ordinarily seem intuitively correct in most situations.

peer pressure

Drug addiction starts with Peer Pressure.

The effect peer pressure has on an individual’s drug use.

Drug abuse doesn’t just happen.

No drug (including alcohol) is immediately addiction-causing. For the vast majority of people, the drugs they do try and the wild drinking binges they might do, don’t result in addiction. But groups, that is those who cause peer pressure, do play a significant role in the start of many an addict or alcoholic’s big life misadventure.

Addiction Therapy Treatment Cognitive-Behavioural-Therapy-

Addiction Therapy Treatment for you Now!

Cognitive-behavioural therapy and the Importance of Extending Treatment

Addiction professionals have gained a better understanding of how addiction develops and affects patient’s lives over time. For many addicts, the first step towards recovering from this life-threatening condition is simply going into rehab. But is one stint in a primary facility enough? Because there are several tiers of treatment that addicts can undergo, each giving the addict a greater chance of successfully avoiding relapse.

Internet & Gaming Addictions Road to relapse Addiction triggers Top Best Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Johannesburg drugs Alcohol gambling sex

Internet & Gaming Addictions

Internet addiction disorder

The fastest-growing addiction worldwide

A very recent trend  “Internet addiction disorder”(IAD) is characterised by the obsessive and disproportionate use of the internet. Other existing mental health issues can be linked with Internet and Gaming like addiction,  depression and other related disorders.
It is of crucial importance to consult a mental health professional in cases of IAD. A professional therapist is required to identify the root problem and suggest strategies and techniques that will further the addict’s recovery process. See:>>How to help drug addicts first and foremost.<<

Interventions & Assessments behavior

Codependent – helping the addict stay sick.

An introduction to codependent behavior.

While this article will primarily focus on the codependent behavior between an addict and their family, it will touch on other aspects of codependent behavior as well. this behavior isn’t just restricted to addicts, nor is it even restricted to the relationship between addicts and those they’re close to.

Say NO to drinking and drugging

Say NO to drinking and drugging

 Strategies To Say No To Alcohol And Drugs This Festive Season

Saying No to alcohol and drugs is always tough, the road to recovery is tough at any stage however it becomes an even bigger challenge as the festive season takes over.

It is at these times that a strong support network of friends who understand the struggles of addiction recovery is so important to have nearby.
Good friends are not only important as a way for a former drug user to voice his or her frustrations about life in recovery, but they play an integral part during that person’s journey in recreating a new life for him or herself.

drinking-too-much drinking is out of control

Are you Drinking too much Alcohol?

Could you be drinking too much and drinking yourself into trouble?

Drinking too much alcohol, known as the “social lubricant.” often used to ‘break the ice’  – particularly on holidays or at parties.  Bouts of excessive drinking can often feel like a “necessary” part of the celebration.
Here’s the thing though; drinking too much alcohol at a party, a get-together, a wedding, a birthday or at any time really, can be a sign of Alcohol Use Disorder.  That’s drinking too much Alcohol See:>>Dealing with the consequences of addiction.<<

Loving an addict

Loving an addict

Loving an addict: a personal guide to a new you.

 It’s always a fairy-tale in the beginning.

I suppose. Like they say in the classics, first comes the good part, for better and then, the bad part comes around, for worse…loving an addict.  For me, my sweet princess turned into a devilish damsel filled with anger and rage. I watched my entire world collapse; the sun was setting on my love story.

How to help drug addicts.

How To Help Drug Addicts.

 How to help drug addicts… is one of those questions on the minds of many worried parents, friends, and relatives. Because it can be very daunting, scary, and despairing to see a loved one descend into the hell of drug addiction. But we’ll look at how to help drug addicts for you. See:>>Do you have a loved one that is struggling with addiction?<<

Communicate with an Addict

How to Communicate With a addict who Lies about Drug Problems

Tough conversations: How to Communicate with an Addict

You can rise above anything in life with a positive attitude.

If you have a deep desire to help someone dear to you who is dealing with an addiction the most valuable piece of advice to heed is to keep the door open. What door you ask? Your own one. The way you communicate with an addict, offering much-needed support and appropriate advice can change a person’s outlook on life and may swing an addict towards rehabilitation and the light of recovery. It may be one of the toughest things to do if it has been before (or many times before) and the results have been negative. It is also hard to keep a hand outstretched if it keeps being bitten. See:>>Helping your loved one seek treatment for addiction<<

GHB Rehab in JHB Houghton House Rehabilitation

GHB Addiction – Liquid Ecstasy – The Date Rape Drug

What is GHB?

GHB is the acronym for Gamma-hydroxybutyrate, a potent central nervous system depressant.  It’s considered a club drug and is sought out for its alcohol-like effects, but it often causes people to lose consciousness. GHB is highly addictive and causes severe withdrawal symptoms. It commonly comes as a colourless, odourless, bitter or salty tasting liquid, usually sold in small bottles or vials. It also comes as a bright blue liquid (sometimes called “blue nitro”) and less commonly as a crystal powder.

gambling addiction Rehab in JHB

Gambling Addiction

What is gambling addiction? 

For many people, gambling can be a fun and exciting, low-risk activity. For others, however, gambling can be a dangerous cliff which can send people into the abyss of addiction. Gambling addiction is an addiction to the act of gambling, in any form, which you or a loved one cannot control the frequency of.

Drug and alcohol addiction Stigma Rehab in JHB

Stigma -The Issue of Shame and Addiction

Definition of Stigma

If you look up the definition of ‘Stigma’ in the dictionary you will see it as being defined as “a mark of shame or discredit.”  It’s been prevalent in human culture since the very beginnings of society, and it’s use and branding of people can be easily traced back to Ancient Greece, where a stigma was an unfortunate brand or mark used on slaves or other individuals whom ‘authorities’ deemed as inferior or morally corrupt to all others in society.

Porn Addiction Johannesburg addiction Centre

Porn & Sex Addiction in the Workplace

Porn and Sex Addiction is a Huge Workplace Issue

Kenneth Wilson on Workplace Porn & Sex Addiction at Houghton house johannesburg addiction centre

Kenneth Wilson – Director of Houghton House Outpatient Services.

How to deal with Porn in the Workplace

As one of the registered Counselling Psychologists at Houghton House  Kenneth treats patients with Porn issues, Love addiction and sex addiction. These addictions are seen as are intimacy disorders and needs for control, power, love or affection. Like all addictions, intimacy disorders like sex addiction and love addiction are progressive in nature. More Details at 

methamphetamine crystal meth addiction - come to Houghton House drug and alcohol Rehab

TIK Crystal Meth Abuse in South Africa

The Short Straw- Methamphetamine Addiction:

Tik has made headlines in South Africa as one of the most addictive and destructive drugs out there. Of the Tik abusers who are fortunate enough to enter a rehab programme, many will struggle and many will be unsuccessful. Unless they stay the course and do the hard work in treatment, and particularly the aftercare where many battle. It’s daunting, but we have to face up to the challenge – starting with understanding what it is, what it does and how we can support abusers in fighting their addiction.

Link to Article on Methamphetamine

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