Uppers, Downers and All ‘Rounders: Educate Yourself on Drugs

Knowledge is Power when it comes to Addiction: Educate Yourself on Drugs

Houghton House believes that with up to date and accurate information about addictive substances, a person will be more likely to make a correct and fact-based and educated decision. We believe when teaching people the dangers, In Educate Yourself on Drugs all drugs should be included, regardless of the strength or seeming risk of harm.

Educate Yourself on Drugs with houghton HouseAlthough opioids, cocaine, and methamphetamine are regarded as part of the “hard drug,” and generally have serious consequences, the so considered “minor drugs,” such as marijuana and alcohol can still be addictive and as detrimental to health and life. They are also frequently abused and as an example, the detoxification from alcohol abuse is one of the more dangerous and life-threatening processes. Houghton House Addiction Recovery Centers attempt to Educate Yourself on Drugs, make people aware of the damage that any drug or abuse of alcohol have on the body, mind, and relationships.

Uppers, Downers and Hallucinogens

Drug abuse is a seeping stain, one that is spreading like wildfire throughout South Africa – throughout the globe. Addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful and does not discriminate. Anyone is vulnerable to the scourge that is addiction. The more that you educate yourself on these mind altering substances the more you are able to protect yourself and your loved ones against them.

Educate Yourself on Drugs: Different Physical and Psychological Responses

Heroin, mandrax, crack, crystal meth… all surprisingly have little in common. Many people also react differently to drugs, some may at first experience a pleasant, even euphoric feeling while others have a nightmarish experience – leaving them incapacitated and psychotic. The thing is all these drugs have one thing in common: they are all consuming and all-powerful to an addict in active addiction. Oh, and let’s not forget – deadly.


Crystal meth, cocaine, crack, kat – these drugs are designed to uplift you, energise you and make you feel ‘alive.’ These drugs also possess the power to make you feel paranoid, anxious and terrified. They speed up your heart, keep you up for days on end and suppress your appetite. Your body essentially breaks down while you mind and emotional state progressively collapses. Those who abuse uppers usually find themselves desperate for sleep and turn to downers to bring them down. On the comedown, you become overwhelmed with depression, suicidal thoughts and paranoia. For me, uppers were my drug of choice and I can tell you with certainty that there is nothing worse than lack of sleep that comes with these substances. Even thinking about the exhaustion makes me feel ill.


Downers such as heroine, mandrax and alcohol give you a feeling of calm. Downers give you a feeling of relaxation and rejuvenation. The thing is, you cannot exactly control just how ‘relaxed’ you get – thus leading to overdoses. Long-term use of these drugs cause severe lethargy and makes functioning on a day to day basis almost impossible. Think: falling asleep at your desk, falling asleep while driving or simply passing out for days on end. Downers such as heroin and alcohol are so powerful that they cause bodily systems to completely shut down, leading to coma and or death.


Ah, yes the Woodstock/ free love drugs of choice. Acid ( LSD) and modern versions  Extacy (MDMA)These drugs cause powerful hallucinations in which your reality is completely altered. It is impossible to predict whether the hallucination will be enjoyable. Having a ‘bad trip’ is terrifying. A bad trip can haunt you for the rest of your life – flashbacks can occur from time to time.

NB: Educate Yourself on Drugs

For more information on how to help Educate Yourself on Drugs or a loved one with alcohol, drugs or any other addiction issue and getting yourself into rehab to start a new life, call Houghton House now:

office hours:  011 787 9142

24/7 emergency help line: 079 770 7532

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