5 Steps to Ensure Summer Fun In your Recovery from Addiction

“Summertime and the livin’ is easy…” 

So says that tune! And it’s been a long hard winter …

Many of us look forward to this time as a time of relaxing, recharging, and spending time with our loved ones and friends. The reality is that now with our coming COVID-19 summer, summertime is actually a time of increased stress if people are social distancing and wearing masks out and about and attempting to enjoy life. There’s a saying in recovery, that if we are “spiritually fit,” we can go anywhere without fear of relapse. But, it’s probably also true that if we are spiritually fit, and we are in recovery from addiction there are places we shouldn’t be hanging around unless we have a very good reason.

recovery from addiction at houghton house drug and alcohol addiction rehab

As we move towards the summer months, we are likely to be presented with more outdoor parties, braais, and celebrations than we usually experience ensure you social distance and wear masks. If we are in recovery from addiction we are going to have to make some decisions about what we are going to do. We’ve also been hearing about staying away from “people, places, and things,” but does that mean we aren’t allowed to go anywhere other than to see our counsellors or our local meetings?

Absolutely not…

When we are new to our recovery from addiction, our choices should be geared toward giving us the best chance to achieve long-term recovery. It’s never going to be a good idea to expose ourselves to situations where people are drinking or using drugs before we are secure in our recovery, if ever!

Whether we are new to recovery or we’ve been around for a while, we always want to be as prepared as possible.
There are a few things we can do:

It’s not reasonable to expect the world to stop using drugs just because we are in recovery from our addiction. If we are going to be in a place where drinks are being served, once our government COVID-19 imposed alcohol ban is over,  it’s best that we structure our visit so that we can be as safe as possible.

5 step Plan for Going out in your Recovery from Addiction:

  1. Have your own transportation.
    If things don’t go well, it’s important that we aren’t tied to someone else’s schedule.
  2. Bring a friend.
    If we can bring someone in recovery with us, we’ll have a ready source of support.
  3. Bring your phone.
    We should have a charged cell phone and make sure someone we trust knows to expect that we might call. If we find ourselves feeling out of sorts, a quick call may be all it takes to get us back on track.
  4. Leave early.
    Many times, we can satisfy our social obligations just by showing up and paying our respects. It’s a good idea to hit the road before the party has gone on for too long.
  5. Have a backup plan.
    Even on a good day, things rarely go exactly as we expect. If our phone dies, or there’s no reception, or the car runs out of gas, we still need to be prepared.

3 steps to Stay the Recovery from Addiction Course:

Our disease never takes a day off. We have to continue doing what we need to do for our recovery from addiction each day. Staying clean and sober requires us to be vigilant. Being vigilant means covering the basics every day. We should remember:

  1. Don’t let ourselves get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired.
  2. Stay connected to our recovery support system and continue to make recovery a priority.
  3. Stay connected to our higher power. Consistently practising prayer and mediation will keep us balanced and centred.

Summer is a traditional time of relaxation we can join in provided that we are careful in the way we approach it.

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