COVID-19 Updates for Clients, Families & Employees at Houghton House Addiction Treatment Centres
The path to recovery from addiction, is already difficult enough, more so during these trying times.
Houghton House Group of Addiction Centres is committed to keeping the health and safety of clients and personnel at our inpatient rehab facilities and care offices. We are open with added screening measures in place and accepting new patients. We are working diligently with our industry peers and associations to ensure the best possible reaction to the shifting situation.
International Health Guidelines
Our are following the sanctions of international public health authorities with amplified cleaning and disinfection practices, continuous health monitoring of our clients, isolation procedures and supports where necessary. We have limited access to our facilities to Essential People only who also require active screening, as is in place anyone who enters our property, including our own staff.
Quarantining for all new admissions:
Our patron care remains at the same high quality, specialized level as always. With therapists, participation in treatment groups and other healthy living activities, even those recently admitted for quarantine observation are involved in the start of their recovery journey.
Our Treatment Centres are all about personal care, especially at Houghton House. Finding an addiction treatment centre that’ll suit your personal needs is always a challenge. The fact of the matter is, your mind needs to be in the right place. You can only receive help, if you’re willing to give it your all.
At Houghton House, we take care of each patient individually. We understand that each patient has his/her own individual needs. We try to our best to cater to those needs to aid in recovery.
Making the choice to come to one of the Houghton House addiction treatment centres, is the first step to recovery. You can browse through our website and see what we have to offer or give us a call and ask all the questions you need to make your decision.
See our list of South African based Treatment Centres below.
- The General Addictions Residential Treatment Centre
- Houghton House Addiction Treatment Centre
- Sommerville Place Addiction Treatment Centre
- The First Step Addiction Treatment Centre
The Houghton House group of addiction treatment centres has one of the highest success rates in the world. The treatment services from the group specialize in substance addiction cases and have been assisting patients for over 22 years.
The amazingly high recovery rates and exclusive treatment centres based in Johannesburg have brought patients into the centres from all round the world.
24hr Emergency Helpline: 077 770 7532 (local) +27 79 770 7532 (international)