How long do long-term treatment recovery programmes take?

There is no simple answer to this question.

Long-Term Treatment recoveryMany rehab programmes range from 28 days to 90 days, stretching out to 12 months or more depending on need and what patients require from a treatment programme. However rehab programmes vary greatly, and at many of them you can find shorter and longer stays. At Houghton House Group of Treatment Centres we subscribe to both outpatient treatment programmes, inpatient residential treatment programmes and extended long-term treatment where and when required.

People are individuals and react differently to situations and process.  Addicts are no different, some patients need more or less care and nurturing than others. Severe addictions often result in patients needing to stay in a caring controlled environment for longer periods, sometimes even for as long as a year. Why long term Treatment?

The Houghton House Addiction & Mental Health Treatment Centres provides integrated and cost-effective best-practice treatment for patients requiring this long-term treatment. This is provided by means of our Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Treatment Facilities. The main focus of this long-term treatment is to integrate patients, who have become intensely dependent on addictive substances and are unable to cope with normal everyday culture, back into society to encourage and develop their capacity to be economically independent and happy.

Houghton House Addiction & Mental Health Treatment Centres provides business and life coaching to assist patients to become economically and socially independent. This coaching programme is unique to Houghton House and the process and training allow patients to build and grow a real sense of control over their immediate environment, confidence and future dreams during the process.

The Extended Long-Term Treatment process is structured in such a way that patients move seamlessly from the initial stages of detoxification and recovery to later stages of becoming self-sufficient and developing life and business skills by means of ongoing support, psychotherapy and coaching.

At Houghton House, we use an all-inclusive treatment method to help patients mend from a debilitating addiction and provide the skills allowing them to live life in a more productive way. The programme incorporates a combination of discussions, lessons and business coaching. Treatments are also developed to help identify where and if the emotional crisis has forced addiction problems and help with new skills that will enable patients to move towards recovery and prevent a reoccurrence of further damage or cross-addiction.

With our professional help, an addict or alcoholic is far, far more likely to recover.

The time to enter recovery is now! For more information on how to help yourself or a loved one with alcohol, drugs or any other addiction issue and getting yourself into rehab to start a new life, call Houghton House now on our contact form to inquire about bookings, prices and other options.

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